4 min read

Deadly flood in Libya 🌿 California sues Big Oil 🌿 Indigenous women around the world

Looking at the world’s biggest crisis through a decolonial lens.
Deadly flood in Libya 🌿 California sues Big Oil 🌿 Indigenous women around the world

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Hi, Everyone!

I’m Amanda Magnani, a Brazilian (photo)journalist and OptOut News’ climate editor. Every other week, I bring you the most important climate news from our network—with an extra serving of decolonial perspectives. ✨🌿


First things first: We are happy to congratulate The Narwhal on the three nominations from the Webster Awards, which celebrate public-interest journalism across British Columbia! 🎉👏🏼

Now, let’s get started!

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Deadly flood in Libya 🌿 California sues Big Oil 🌿 Global Plastic Treaty’s first draft 🌿 New York marches against fossil fuels

Last week, the world was appalled by the catastrophic flood that devastated Derna, in Libya. Storm Daniels, as it was called, killed at least 10,000 people and displaced another 30,000, Grist reports. The disaster was exacerbated political unrest and poor infrastructure. It facilitated a collapse of two dams upstream of the city, Eos reports.

In that same week, California became the eighth U.S. state to sue Big Oil companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, BP, Shell, and ConocoPhillips for their role in the climate crisis. According to DeSmog, the fossil fuel giants are being sued for decades of deception and misinformation dating back to the 1970s.

The week also marked the completion of the first draft of the global plastic treaty, a year and half after 175 countries started negotiations. Grist reports that the document contains a list of proposals on how to tackle plastic pollution–but for climate advocates, it is far from enough. Plastic and oil industries are closely connected, to the point that the plastic pollution crisis and the climate crisis feed each other. Your Calls One Planet series did a special episode on this relationship.

Finally, this weekend brought thousands together in New York for a march demanding the end of fossil fuels. It happened right before New York Climate Week, which started on Sunday (09/17) and will end next Monday (09/25). You can check out some photos of the protest on Atmos.


And more:

🛢️ “More than 260 acres of Indiana wetlands lost since 2021 law took effect, advocates say," from Indiana Capital Chronicle.

🛢️ “Stop Letting Auto Companies Pit Workers Against the Environment," from Workday Magazine.

🛢️ “These Activists Have One Simple Goal: Abolish the Cruise Industry," from The Nation.

🛢️ “‘It’s an emergency’: Midwest towns scramble as drought threatens drinking water," from Missouri Independent.


Decolonizing Climate Change

🌱 “Iñupiaq woman focuses on Indigenous-led renewable energy efforts in New Mexico," from  Source NM.

🌱 “Overlooked by the EPA, a Black West Virginia community sues to spur action on toxic air pollution," from Mountain State Spotlight.

🌱 “The New Colonialist Food Economy," from The Nation.

🌱 “Brandi Morin: in Nevada, Indigenous land protectors face off with a Canadian mining company," from The Real News Network.


To Lighten Your Heart

💚 “How 2 communities, separated by an ocean, are working together to manage trash better," from Michigan Advance.

💚 “Biden administration cancels last leases in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge," from Rhode Island Current.

💚  “Indiana clean energy employment continues to grow, according to new report," from Indiana Capital Chronicle.

💚  “Renewable power expected to grow as Louisiana marks clean energy transition," from Louisiana Illuminator.


Around the World 🌎

World: “In 2022, a land defender was killed every two days," from Grist.

Canada: “What is the Trans Mountain pipeline — and why should I care?” from The Narwhal.

Kenya: “Rich nations have delivered mere ‘pittance’ to help East Africa tackle climate crisis: Oxfam," from The Real News Network.

China: “Inside The U.S.-China War Over Clean Energy," from The Lever.


Global South Corner

Rosalee Gonzalez, Xicana Kickapoo from Southwest Arizona, by Amanda Magnani.

Last week, more than 5,000 Indigenous Women got together in the 3rd National Indigenous Women’s March in Brasília, the Brazilian capital. And among them was a delegation of some 30 Indigenous women from all around the world.

They went to Brasília to prove once and for all that the Indigenous cause transcends borders and is global. All over the world, Indigenous women share the struggles for environmental preservation, the right to territory, and the end of gender-based violence.

I had the chance to talk to and photograph women from Finland, Malaysia, Kenya, Peru, the Cook Islands, New Zealand, Mexico, Indonesia…and the U.S.

Rosalee Gonzalez, a Xicana Kickapoo from Southwest Arizona is a co-coordinator for the Northern region of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas, which brings together 23 national organizations of indigenous women in 19 countries, from the extreme north of the Americas to the extreme south of Chile.

She told me about Recommendation 39 of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

We have recently achieved the adoption of CEDAW’s General Recommendation number 39 on Indigenous women and girls. What I find most beautiful about this recommendation is that it took several years of consultations with indigenous women around the world. And in the end, we were very happy with the substantive areas that were considered and adopted. Among these areas is the elimination of gender-based violence that affects indigenous women and girls, but there are also issues around the economy, the protection of rights to territory, in short: issues of social, economic and cultural rights. As indigenous women, we believe in fighting for all our rights, both individual and collective.

You can check the photos of the other Indigenous women on our Instagram.


That’s all for now, folks! If you’re a climate journalist and want to keep the conversation going, join us in our Discord group. Over there, I will share new opportunities and resources every week, and you can let me know who—or what—you want to see next on the Global South Corner.

If you have any questions or suggestions, hit me up at amanda@optout.news.

Obrigada and have a great week!

The OptOut Media Foundation (EIN: 85-2348079) is a nonprofit charity with a mission to educate the public about current events and help sustain a diverse media ecosystem by promoting and assisting independent news outlets and, in doing so, advance democracy and social justice.

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