3 min read

Monday News!

Five picks from our media partners to wrap up the first day of the week.

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Hello, OptersOut! Today we’re adding a news roundup for you that you’ll get every  Monday afternoon with five news and opinion items from the weekend and today. When we launch the app, you’ll have a constantly updated feed of content, but until then, we’ll hit you with several roundups per week.

First, I spoke with Indiegraf about this project. It’s a good write-up. Indiegraf is a British Columbia-based “network of journalist-entrepreneurs and independently-owned digital publishers sharing resources to serve their local communities sustainably.”

OK, let’s get into it.

The Red Nation Podcast: A history of the American Indian Movement

In collaboration with Rev Left Radio, Nick Estes of OptOut partner The Red Nation Podcast discusses the history and legacy of the American Indian Movement, including the history of indigenous resistance in America, the origins and ideology of AIM, the 1973 Siege of Wounded Knee, the FBI's COINTELPRO, and the Reign of Terror.

Donate to The Red Nation.

Also in Indigenous news:

The Nomiki Show: Live RNC Coverage with David Daley and Scottie Nell Hughes

OptOut adviser Nomiki Konst kicked off a week of live coverage of the Republican National Convention by interviewing author David Daley and conservative journalist Scottie Nell Hughes. Tune in tomorrow at 3pm ET for her next segment!

Support the Nomiki Show.

Over in Corporate Medialand, MSNBC ran Trump’s RNC full speech, which was characteristically laden with lies meant to scare people away from participating in their own democracy, apparently because it was almost entirely lies. (Nothing to do with ratings at all, folks!)

Jacobin: After the Beirut Explosion, Disaster Capitalism Has Lebanon in Its Sights

Like so many other countries in recent history, it looks like Lebanon will have to battle predatory “disaster capitalism” after the deadly, chemical explosions of August 4. For Jacobin, Joseph Daher explains how the political parties whose poor decisions led to the blast “are using the disaster as a pretext to deepen neoliberal policies, with French leader Emmanuel Macron and the International Monetary Fund egging them on.”

Read the article

Subscribe to Jacobin.

Also on Lebanon:

Image credit: Sky News/YouTube

The Rational National: Cop Shoots Black Man In The Back Seven Times

The Rational National host David Doel relates the horrific events of Kenosha, Wisconsin yesterday. A Black man named Jacob Blake reportedly broke up a fight, and a police officer then proceeded to shoot him seven times in the back. The governor has already called in the National Guard in response to protests.

Join The Rational National.

The Discontents: Our Weekly Discontents: August 24

Wait, a news roundup…within a news roundup?

That’s right. We’ve partnered with The Discontents, “a Substack collective of writers and podcasters on the left who have no bosses telling us what we can say or write.” Each week, the group aggregates content from the various different newsletters, several of which are also OptOut partners. This time, Luke O’Neil, the creator of our partner Welcome to Hell World, writes the intro.

Read the roundup

I hope I’ve given you some thoughtful, independent media to chew on today—media you might have difficulty finding on Apple News or an automated Facebook feed. That’s our mission: to circulate strong news and opinion content that’s not compromised by corporate ownership, corporate advertisers, or corporate aggregators.

We’re hard at work on the app, and we could use your support to cover startup and longterm costs. So far, our whole operation is 100% volunteer. Please consider pitching in now to help us make this thing possible.

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