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OptOut's Weekend Picks (Nov. 21, 2020)

Here's what our independent media partners have been up to this week.

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Dear OptersOut,

Welcome back to our weekly news roundup from our independent media partners! If this is your first OptOut newsletter, we’re a forthcoming nonprofit news aggregation app for exclusively independent media. We’ll be launching the beta version of the app in March, and in the meantime, we’re choosing some of the best articles, podcast episodes, and videos from our more than 80 news partners each week.

We’re building the app with the great volunteers at the Progressive Coders Network, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit community of tech and non-tech activists building open-source tools to empower the grassroots and reduce the influence of big money in politics. But there are costs, and we could use your help. By becoming a paid subscriber of this newsletter, you’ll help us cover fees for hosting, web services, and nonprofit incorporation in the short term. And in the longer term, you’ll help us start a fund to hire staff to curate news, develop and maintain our tech, and commission more excellent work from our partners. Please consider upgrading your free subscription to a paid one now, and thank you in advance!

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Let’s get back to the news, fascist coup attempt and all.


The Daily Poster: Tucker Carlson and Media Elites Cozy Up To Private Equity Moguls

via Gage Skidmore

The reporters at The Daily Poster used public records requests regarding state pension funds to uncover the names of several media and political figures who have been cashing in by giving speeches at Wall Street events. The roster includes Fox News’ fake populist Tucker Carlson, the host of American white nationalists’ favorite cable news show, who charges $70,000 per speech. Other media elites who have made gobs of money by serenading private equity executives include pollster Nate Silver, CNN host Fareed Zakaria, NBC News contributor Paul Begala, conservative radio host and NBC News contributor Hugh Hewitt, and Obama strategist-turned-CNN commentator David Axelrod.

I can tell you this: No OptOut partner is going to turn up at a Wall Street gala unless it’s as an undercover reporter. Support independent media, folks!

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Eyes on the Ties: Biden’s ‘Nightmare’ Climate Advisor is Connected to Energy Transition Team Members

via OLF/Kilian Munch via Norsk olje og gass, Flickr

President-elect Joe Biden is already confirming some of the left’s worst fears as he welcomes fossil fuel profiteers and their congressional allies into his administration. Biden adviser Ernest Moniz, currently a director of Southern Company, the second-highest carbon-polluting energy utility in the United States, was Energy secretary under Obama and is rumored to be a top contender to lead the department once again.

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Support the Public Accountability Initiative, a nonprofit public-interest research organization focused on corporate and government accountability that publishes Eyes on the Ties and LittleSis.

Sludge: Biden to Tap Fossil Fuel-Friendly Rep for White House Job

via pasa47 and licensed under CC BY 2.0

In more bad news for those who care about real climate action, Rep. Cedric Richmond, a major ally to the oil, gas, and chemicals industries, will be Biden’s senior adviser and a liaison to the climate movement. Richmond, who has ignored pleas from constituents who live in Louisiana’s “Cancer Alley,” has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry and has repeatedly crossed party lines to vote in favor of fossil fuel interests.

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The Flashpoint: Mass Dems Overwhelmingly Reelect Gus Bickford Chair Despite His Involvement in Alex Morse Smear

via Alex Morse for Congress

Eoin Higgins offers an update to his reporting on the homophobic smear campaign against 2020 House challenger Alex Morse, a scandal that reached the very top of the Massachusetts Democratic Party and helped centrist Medicare for All opponent Rep. Richard Neal keep his seat. Apparently, there are no professional repercussions for helping to malign a young, gay, progressive candidate and then lying about it.

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What Went Wrong: Trump Proved How Gullible America Really Is

Photo of a QAnon supporter via Marc Nozell

After he's gone, the U.S. political system will remain terrifyingly vulnerable to grifters and conspiracy theorists, writes Harry Cheadle.

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RIFT: Ajamu Baraka on Racial Justice and Fighting Neoliberalism

Rift interviews Ajamu Baraka—an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, former 2016 Green Party nominee for vice president, and national organizer and spokesperson for the Black Alliance for Peace—about racial justice and fighting neoliberalism under the incoming Biden administration.

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Support Rift, a digital publication focused on anti-capitalist politics, economics, and culture.

Discourse Blog: No Seriously, Fuck You, Andrew Cuomo

via YouTube/NewsNOW

Discourse Blog’s Katherine Kreuger writes the latest in the publication’s “Fuck You” series, this time about New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (who, by the way, has already published a book about his alleged victory over COVID-19 and is apparently in line for an Emmy. Yes, an Emmy award).

It is now November. The U.S. death toll has now climbed past 250,000—officially sliding this to the “L” column even by Trump’s own deranged barometer. More than 33,000 people have died of COVID in New York state. And still, it appears our leaders haven’t learned much at all, even after dragging their feet on closures, not really ever closing things down if you’re a poor person, and making a confusing mess about what’s allowed and what isn’t.

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Subscribe to Discourse Blog, a worker-owned, independent politics and culture website.

Audio & Video

Jacobin Weekends: New China Cold War, Biden's Debt Cancelation, DSA in Office w/ Julia Salazar

Hosts Ana Kasparian and Nando Vila talk with New York State Senator Julia Salazar about the 2020 elections, DSA successes, and Andrew Cuomo’s commitment to austerity, about other topics.

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The Red Nation: North Carolina Keeps Breaking My Heart w/ Nick Martin

Sappony journalist Nick Martin talks about Trumpism, the elections, the politics of writing, and what it means to be Native in the South. North Carolina, where Nick and I both hail from, again went for Trump.

Support The Red Nation, which centers Native political agendas and struggles through direct action, advocacy, mobilization, and education.

Brown Girl Green: Break Free Plastic

Kristy Drutman interviews Shilpi Chhotray of the Break Free From Plastic coalition, who details how the plastic crisis impacts our planet, especially in Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color.

Support Brown Girl Green, who is changing the image of what it means to be an "environmentalist" in the 21st century.

The Humanist Report: Charles Koch Feels Kinda Bad for Ruining America & Destroying the Planet

The Humanist Report’s Mike Figueredo takes the mask off of billionaire GOP megadonor and climate change denial funder Charles Koch’s latest rebrand (and book tour) as a “uniter.”

Support The Humanist Report.

VOICES: River City: Trans Day of Remembrance, with Ayotunde Ikuku and Ome Tieu

Ayotunde Ikuku and Ome Tieu of Sacramento's Gender Health Center discuss Transgender Day of Remembrance, which occurred on Friday. The trans community in the U.S.—particularly trans women of color—faces a horrifying amount of violence and prejudice.

Support VOICES: River City, a Sacramento-based platform for community voices to speak truth to power.

Eric Draitser: Is Ethiopia Headed For Civil War?

Political analyst and CounterPunch Radio host Eric Draitser explains the historical, geopolitical, and strategic context necessary to understand the recent conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region.

Support Eric Draitser.

Citations Needed: It's Not a "Fall From Grace.” This Has Always Been Who Giuliani Was.

Citations Needed breaks down the breakdown of Rudy Giuliani, who’s had…quite a year.

Support Citations Needed, a podcast about the media, power, PR, and the history of bullshit.

Thanks for supporting OptOut and our tremendous media partners! We’ll likely take next weekend off, so stay safe and see you in December.